Susstainable lifestyle is actually a more self-sufficient life, in other words, do not just buy anything without thinking about it. "Do I really need it or can I make it myself maybe?" On this site we hope a large number of visitors to the senses, for example, is itself to grow organic fruit and vegetables, but also to keep natural chickens, rabbits and other animals. We offer you information so that the small and major repairs can be carried out again himself: shoes rags to make it yourself furniture. We also provide tools to make your own bread and jams and chutneys and pickles. Make your own wines and beers, but also slaughter or be slaughtered itself is discussed. In short, one step closer to nature. 
We hope you enjoy reading, but even more fun with their execution!

We can carry out work themselves or we can pay others to do them for us. These are the two 'models' which we provide for our maintenance. We might call them the 'self-sufficiency model' and the 'organizational'. The former model leads to self-employed men and women while the latter creates dependent men and women. All existing societies sustain themselves through a mix of both models. However, the relations between these societies differ.
During the past hundred years has been a huge and historically unique shift in the modern world: from self-sufficiency to the organization. The result is that people increasingly have less confidence in themselves and become more dependent than ever has occurred in the history of mankind. They may be able to claim more developed than any generation before them, but the fact remains that they will never be truly independent. They are totally dependent on huge, complex organizations, fantastic machinery and increasing incomes. And what happens when things go wrong, if there is an interruption, a defect, a strike or unemployment occurs?
Provides the status necessities? In some cases, the answer is yes, but in no other. Many people fall through the cracks of the safety nest. What then? They suffer; they become discouraged and even desperate. Why they can not help themselves? Generally the answer is all too clear: they would not know how; they have never done it and do not even know where to begin. [...]
Should I try to be a jack of all trades? In the area of ​​most of these things would be quite incompetent and horribly inefficient. But something yourself grow or make, what a joy, what a joy, what a liberation of gevoelendheid be completely dependent organizations! What is perhaps even more important: what a development of the real personality! Are in contact with the actual oerprocessen of creation. The innate creativity of the human being is not something inferior or accidental: ignore or neglect him and he becomes an inner source of poison - a blockage of creativity. This can destroy you and all your people contacts; on a large scale, it could - no, he will inevitably - destroy society.
By contrast, nothing can flourish in a society halting who manages to give free rein to the creativity of its people - all its people. This can not be ordered from above or organized. We can not rely on governments, but only on ourselves in order to achieve this state of affairs. We should certainly not be "waiting for Godot" for Godot never comes. It is interesting to think of all 'Godots, wait which modern humanity: this or that amazing technical breakthrough; colossal discoveries of new oil and gas fields; automation, so that no one - or hardly anyone - still need to stabbing a finger; political decisions to solve all the problems once and for all; multinational companies to make huge investments in the latest and best technical developments; or just "the next upturn in the economy." [...] The essence of self-sufficiency is true that you start now and not wait until something comes up.

foreword by Dr. E. F. Schumacher in 'Country Life. Nothing wasting and stay healthy. "John Seymour, translated by John Onstwedder and Hendrik van den Heuvel, The Little Earth. Dutch edition Publisher In den Toren / Baarn and Cosmos / Amsterdam 1979. Copyright © 1976 by Dorling Kindersley Limited, London

The Earth, our home

We stand at a critical moment in history, a time when humanity must define its future.
The world is becoming more dependent and vulnerable.
Our future carries both a great danger as a great promise.
To move forward we must recognize that we are in the midst of a lush diversity of cultures and life forms are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny on.
We must unite to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal Human Rights, economic justice and a culture of peace.
To achieve this we, the peoples of the earth, to express our responsibility towards each other and the larger community and to future generations.

Humanity is part of the vast universe. The Earth, our home, is a unique community. The forces of nature make our existence a demanding and uncertain adventure, but Earth also provides the conditions that are essential for the development of life. The welfare of the community and humanity depends on maintaining a healthy biosphere, especially clean air, clean water, fertile soil and a rich variety of plants, animals and ecosystems. The global environment with its exhaustible sources of energy is a major common concern of all humanity. The protection of the viability, diversity and beauty of the earth is a sacred task.
The situation on the ground
The dominance of production and consumption causes enormous environmental damage, depletion of natural resources, and a massive extinction of species. Communities are threatened. The benefits of development are not shared equitably, so that the gap between rich and poor is widening. Injustice, poverty, hunger, ignorance and armed conflict are widespread and cause great suffering. The unprecedented growth of the world population has overburdened social and economic systems. The overall security foundation is threatened by it. This trend is particularly dangerous, but not inevitable.
The challenges ahead
The choice is ours: join forces for the Earth and care for one another or risk the destruction of ourselves and the diversity of life. Fundamental changes in our values, established habits, rules and way of life are necessary. We must realize that if you meet the basic needs, human development is mainly about more have the knowledge and the technology to satisfy everyone's needs and to lessen our impact on the environment. The emergence of a world society offers new opportunities to build a democratic and humane world. The challenges of environmental, economic, political, social and spiritual problems are inextricably linked. Together we can find the solutions to solve these problems.
universal responsibility
To achieve this objective, we must recognize the urgent need to identify ourselves with the world community and with our own local community. We are both citizens of different nations as global citizens. The local and the global flow into one another. Everyone bears responsibility for the present and future welfare of mankind and the rest of the world. The spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all life is strengthened when we live with reverence for the mystery of being and are grateful for the fact that we live humbly and the place of man can see inside the bigger picture. It is imperative to have a shared vision of basic values ​​which provides the ethical foundation for the emerging global society.

This section is derived from the Charter of the earth.

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