Manual butter churn
Would you like to make your own butter? This butter churn with glass jar makes it very easy for you and at a reasonable price. Instructions included. Capacity: 1.6 litres.
Making your own butter
Pour raw milk into flat dishes and put them in a cool place (flat dishes to facilitate skimming and cold so the milk fat is released more easily). After about 12 hours the cream can be carefully skimmed off. Heat the cream up to 90 °C (don’t boil) and cool down quickly to 15-17 °C (not higher).
When the cream has cooled, add ½ litre of buttermilk or starter per litre cream. Put the mixture in a cool place for about 20 hours. A souring process will have occurred during this time after which you can start churning. The temperature may not be higher than 17 °C. If you don’t have a butter churn you could use a glass bottle (keep the cream in motion by shaking it thoroughly). This motion will cause the fat particles to collide and clots will be formed. It will look like the cream is curdling. Place the bottle or churn in a cool place once the butter clots become clearly visible. The clots will rise to the surface and can be strained.
Wash the butter several times in a strainer with cold water to remove the last protein residues. Knead the clots of butter into a homogeneous mass in which no loose liquid should be visible any more (you can add some salt if you want). Your butter is ready!